
[3rd Year] Action Analysis - Clean Keys with little In-betweens / Clean FX

I just got an email from the school saying that I can't use the lab until the school starts. I'm like @!^$(#*^$)(*&*$##^$$#((#@&^&*#*&@()^#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are the 3rd years suppose to work on their coop portfolio and demo reel if the lab is down?!!?

I sent an angry email to the tech guys and hopefully they will listen but until then I'm like 'ha...ha...ha... I'm doomed... I was planning to finish my Action Analysis during winter... OTL

Anyhow, here is where I am right now. Keys cleaned with little inbetweens. A little jitter here and there.

And clean FX

December 2009

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