
Sketches #24

3rd year started... I'm stressed... My group is stressed... Everybody is stressed. I never knew group work would be this hard ;_; It's mentally and psychologically demanding
Anyhow, for my animation class I need to do a 30 second action analysis with 5 second fully rendered animation. And I thought I could give my 4th year idea a trial run through this assignment. It's going to be based on a korean folktale and it will definitely have a big, stupid tiger since tiger played a significant role in old koreans' lives.
Playing around with tiger...

The action analysis will be about a baby 'dokebi' (korean goblin/trickster) who tries to uses his magic club to summon delicious food just like other 'doklebis', but keeps on failing and summons weird things. Eventually he gets frustrated and in the end, he summons a big tiger.
Some dokebi concepts...

The dokebi used to be a lumberjack in my earlier story but the story was too confusing so I changed it...

And things that I drew during boring lectures :)

Earlier dropped concept about lumberjack and tiger.

September 2009


Tooninator said...

love 'em

Keelamari said...

Holy damn those are awesome character designs!